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Architectural concervancy design group
As the current Director of Operations, Robin Guttman a local entrepreneur has dedicated his life to building strong communities thru art education, green design, and group ethics. From Boy scouts until now Robin has found enterprising ways to save nature teach the importance of conservation and fundraise dozens of local projects all over the US. Robin is the owner of Art Customs los Angeles a fabrication Co-op which hosts High school students and teaches them about business and public art as well as owner of La Barra Cafe, a local organic coffee business with over 40 seasonal volunteer employees, and founder of the AntfarmLA. As a grantee for many projects including the 2x MILLS act historic preservation grant  (district 1 Los Angeles) and the Black Rock Arts foundation top grantee 2008 Robin continues to grow projects thru community involvement an hard work. "With a little creativity, there is always a way"
Robin Guttman